Robotics and Computer Science Summer Camp
Our Services
We provide an unforgettable summer camp experience where your child can thrive for only $30 a week! In every week enrolled with ShaoBotics, your child gains access to the benefits below. Simply sign up today and send payment to!
Learn how to build robots, circuits, and work with electronics! Students will explore robotics and Arduino programming, designing circuits to solve a variety of problems in the real world. Whether you or your child is an absolute beginner, or advanced at robotics, ShaoBotics' high-quality camp program offers you the best chance to master the Arduino.
Computer Science/Coding
You might wonder if learning to code is difficult and whether or not to sign up for a coding camp. Coding doesn't have to be hard. With ShaoBotics' expert instruction and hand-crafted projects, students will learn to love programming and master the skill.
Group Lessons
Each week, students at ShaoBotics have a two-hour group session, where they work in fun and stimulating learning environments with like-minded kids and learn fundamental concepts in computer science and robotics. Every session has a hand-crafted project that students build to consolidate their knowledge in the topics covered that day, allowing campers to have FUN and LEARN, at the same time.
Personalized Learning
Campers at ShaoBotics also receive one hour of individual mentorship, where they receive personalized lessons guided towards their interests, to create a large project they are passionate about by the end of the summer.